This project for the design and development of a refrigeration installation with natural refrigerants CO2…
The INCALSEDO research and development project, financed by CDTI and co-financed by European ERDF funds, has been successfully completed after 5 milestones of 12 months each, thanks to the granting of a partially reimbursable aid which represents 85.00% of the total budget accepted by the centre, amounting to 1,134,294.00€.
The general objective of the project is to develop an advanced solution for the design and development of heat exchange solutions in the field of security and more specifically in those related to energy, through its application to INTEGASA’s most commercially strategic product, the double tube heat exchanger. The final deliverable of the project is a catalogue of double tube heat exchangers which are non-marketable prototypes arising from specific hardware, software, and simulation tools necessary to achieve the best response in a framework as complicated as that of Energy Security.
The technical objectives are, among others:
To generate a process of design, development, and manufacture of heat exchange solutions for the most demanding environments characterized by critical infrastructures and supply chains, increasing the resilience of the devices.
To influence the development of technologies that contribute to the shared national strategic objective of Energy Security, applying it to the civil and industrial energy sector and then extrapolating it to the field of defence.
Gathering the company’s extensive knowledge in sectors as diverse as agri-food, advanced laser production or the use of various materials in a new production process.
Reducing the energy consumption of heat exchange solutions.
Structurally simplify heat exchange devices without reducing their control options and operational safety.
To have a virtual testbed in the form of software with the possibility of extrapolating it to real testbeds specific to each sector.
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