INTEGASA has delivered to our partners AXIMA REFRIGERATION & AIR LIQUIDE 43 pressure vessels for the ITER nuclear fusion project (LIQUID HELIUM WARM COMPRESSION STATION) in which more than 35 countries around the world have collaborated:
HP Helium oil separators
Oil coalescers
Vacuum oil separators
HP Suction filters
Charcoal adsorbers
Liquid receivers
Highest technical requirements of the nuclear sector: PED 2014/68 / EU, EN13445, EN 1998-1, WRC 107, stress analysis, multiple load cases (including transportation-3g), Helium leak test, C5 painting system, cleaning tests (Wood’s Lamp & White Glove Tests), shock detector sensors, etc.
In Helium tests, high vacuum values below 1 x 10-9 Pa · m3 / s have been achieved